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Durability of Corrosion Protection According to the American Galvanizer Association:
*according to the American Galvanizer Association
70 years
in tropical environments
85 years
in suburban environments
120 years
in rural environments
65 years
in industrial environments
Hot-Dip Galvanizing Process
01 / Surface Preparation
Surface Preparation

Surface preparation is a crucial step in applying any coating. Zinc melt will only react with chemically clean steel, so it's critically important to prepare the surface properly to obtain a seamless coating without defects. Experts at LLC "Metal Invest" conduct surface preparation in 5 stages to ensure the highest quality of hot-dip galvanizing:

  • Degreasing
  • Etching
  • Rinsing
  • Surface drying
02 / Hot-Dip Galvanizing
Hot-Dip Galvanizing

Hot-dip galvanizing is a process of immersing metal products, suspended on traverses, into a zinc melt (with a zinc content of no less than 98.5%) at a temperature of approximately 450°C.
Galvanized metal structures are cooled naturally using air.

03 / Quality Control
Quality Control

Quality control is a set of actions that includes external inspection of galvanized products and thickness measurement.
Before shipment, the quality of hot-dip galvanizing is additionally checked. If necessary, parts are refined by removing zinc spikes and flux residues on the zinc coating.

  • Surface Preparation
  • Hot-Dip Galvanizing
  • Quality Control
Surface Preparation

Surface preparation is a crucial step in applying any coating. Zinc melt will only react with chemically clean steel, so it's critically important to prepare the surface properly to obtain a seamless coating without defects. Experts at LLC "Metal Invest" conduct surface preparation in 5 stages to ensure the highest quality of hot-dip galvanizing:

  • Degreasing
  • Etching
  • Rinsing
  • Surface drying
Hot-Dip Galvanizing

Hot-dip galvanizing is a process of immersing metal products, suspended on traverses, into a zinc melt (with a zinc content of no less than 98.5%) at a temperature of approximately 450°C.
Galvanized metal structures are cooled naturally using air.

Quality Control

Quality control is a set of actions that includes external inspection of galvanized products and thickness measurement.
Before shipment, the quality of hot-dip galvanizing is additionally checked. If necessary, parts are refined by removing zinc spikes and flux residues on the zinc coating.

Our Products
What is the lifespan of hot-dip galvanized coating?
The lifespan of hot-dip galvanized coating (34-170 years) is entirely predictable and is determined by the coating thickness and the type of aggressive activity in the specific area. Zinc protects steel for a very long time, allowing for energy and resource savings with minimal environmental impact. For example, enough energy is saved on each ton of protected steel to meet the energy needs of an average family for several weeks.
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